SEO Accelerator


Keyword Competition Analysis

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Can you actually compete for this keyword today? Do you have the budget? Here’s how to analyse keyword competition and determine if you’ll be able to beat them.

By the end of this process, you should have 3 deliverables:

  1. Key Pages (based on your current rankings, chosen competitor rankings, and best long-term keywords)
  2. Other pages worth optimising (lower priority than key pages)
  3. Pages out of budget/capability (either too competitive to stand a chance or over your expected budget)

From there, we’ll dive into OnPage SEO and get some internal links going to these pages. That’s going to give them a nice big kick up the rankings.

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SEO Accelerator is an online training course covering both beginner and advanced processes for growing organic search traffic.

In these videos, you’ll learn the theory then practical steps to improve your site, optimise your pages, and drive more traffic that converts into leads, sales, and/or revenue.

These tips are broken down with relevant examples for local businesses, online stores, and affiliate businesses.

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