Our revenue-first SEO process to drive 143.28% organic 💰 growth in 12 months for established Shopify brands

Step one

Store Strategy

We pull apart your site from a structure and SEO perspective, rethinking the entire organic traffic funnel and creating a data-driven hit list of shopping pages to create and optimize.

1. Optimise your navigation to drive traffic & sales

SEO, conversion, and user experience (UX) are not separate, they're highly interconnected and should be treated as such.

How many clicks does it take from the homepage to get into a product page?

Other than existing collections, how do your customers navigate and search for products? By Size? Colour? Type? Material?

This changes your entire shopping flow, making it easier for your customers to find, filter, and buy products. That means more sales and revenue.

Take "floor tiles", as an example, in the UK it has a traffic value of $288,000/yr for the top ranking site. But add up the top 30 keywords in this category like "kitchen floor tiles", "bathroom floor tiles", "vinyl floor tiles", etc. Now the total traffic value is $5,738,940/yr.

That's a 20x bigger total addressable market (TAM) by improving your site structure and navigation.

2. Restructure your pages for UX

How can you add content to your collections or products without negatively impacting conversions?

How do you navigate to subcategories without clogging up your main menu with endless links?

How does your collections showcase your products compared to competitors? Is there additional info to display? More products pre-pagination?

These are all questions that impact both the user shopping experience, but also your search traffic.

We'll plan all this out based on your specific site and audience, then design Figma mockups to show our ideas ready for your developer.

3. Conduct a deep-dive audit to identify traffic opportunities with existing pages

Your website has a treasure trove of SEO data hiding in Google Search Console, Google Analytics, your sitemap, and third party tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, and Screaming Frog.

When this is combined and analysed manually on a page-by-page basis, you're able to understand the traffic/revenue, traffic source, opportunities, issues, and growth steps for every single page.

This is then clustered and prioritised as action items to implement.

You'll know exactly which pages to work on, what to do for each page, and the traffic value potential for each of them.

4. Create a traffic value prioritised list of new collections to create

During our auditing, site restructuring, and research we're likely to identify 30-50+ new collection opportunities.

These are new collections we can create to better filter and navigate through existing products e.g. sell "protein powders", add a "chocolate protein powders" collection.

From this list, we'll deep-dive into each page idea to compile the traffic value, competition levels, and overall opportunity to prioritise creation of these collections.

At this stage, you'll probably find out you're missing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars a year (if not millions) in traffic potential.

Step Two

Shopping Page Optimization

Based on the store strategy, you'll have a high converting and well structured site primed for great SEO performance.

This initial strategy alone is likely to both increase traffic and revenue, next it's time to take this list of new & existing pages prioritised by traffic value, then capture that value.

Here's how it may look for two common types of stores:


1. Optimise your shopping pages

You likely have thousands of products and hundreds of collections to work on.

These pages often convert 2-3x more sales than blog content as it's literally people searching to buy your products. We call this bottom of funnel, it's priority one.

We'll rank these pages based on opportunity, then make manual SEO recommendations for each individual page looking at factors such as:

  • Title tag / Meta changes
  • Internal linking opportunities
  • Content expansion opportunities (on this page vs on site)
  • Missing subheadings, phrases, etc for keyword and topical relevance
  • Competitor comparison

Each of these changes will be based on the value of this page. One single product or collection with the right intent, could drive upwards of $100,000+/yr in revenue if it ranked well in search.

2. Create new collections to increase your TAM

A sofa (232k/mo UK searches) isn't simply a sofa. It's also a:

  • corner sofa (144k/mo)
  • corner sofa bed (48k/mo)
  • chesterfield sofa (37k/mo)
  • leather sofa (30k/mo)
  • grey corner sofa (20k/mo)
  • 3 seater sofa (19k/mo)
  • grey sofa (17k/mo)

Or put another way, there's 7.7m monthly searches containing the word sofa. That's 33x bigger than the single keyword.

But you can't rank for these pages unless you have a collection in place targeting them.

Our analysis often finds Shopify stores missing out on $100,000+/yr in traffic value by simply not creating enough collections.

So we'll analyse this and make all the recommendations for you: what collections to create, how to optimise them, what content to add, etc.

3. Drive more revenue with sales assisting content

The final stage of content that's specifically created to assist with driving sales. No fluff pieces, no listicles, only sales-focused content.

The goal is to convert more sales and position your site as a topical authority.

Let's take one of our clients that sells brick slips, beyond the bottom of funnel searches such as:

  • brick slips (25k monthly searches)
  • brick slips uk (2.3k monthly searches)
  • brick slips near me (1.8k monthly searches)

There's people also interested in:

  • how many brick slips
  • how to fit brick slips (250 monthly searches)
  • how to cut brick slips (80 monthly searches)

By covering these topics with content, you're assisting your sales process, reducing customer service, and expanding the topical authority of your site (which helps rankings for all keywords in this topic).

4. Rank keywords through link building

Based on your DTS audit, you may need more backlinks to rank for certain keywords.

Using our strategy plan of which pages to point links to, how many links to build, what anchor text to use, etc. We'll do the outreach and find link opportunities for you.

This involves:

  • Creating a list of relevant websites/articles that would be beneficial to get a link from
  • Vet the quality of the websites to check they're of decent quality and how impactful a link would be
  • Reach out to these websites by email to see if they're open to this
  • Discuss and negotiate link placement details
  • Write the content for the link placement (if needed)
  • Monitor the link status and update you once live

1. Reach more shoppers by expanding your landing pages

If you only have a handful of products, it's virtually impossible to rank a category page featuring your 3 products against a retailer with 300.

But you do have one option, landing pages.

Let's say you sell a trimmer, you may well want to rank for searches of "trimmer", but how can we angle this same product for multiple keywords and audiences?

You create a landing page for:

Electric trimmer
Beard trimmer
Moustache trimmer
Women's trimmer
Bikini trimmer
Balls trimmer
Men's trimmer

Now this single product has 7 landing pages with different keywords to target, allowing you to significantly increase the traffic potential.

We'll help you with this by doing the keyword research, planning out what landing pages to create and creating a plan for how to optimise these.

2. Create more middle of funnel content

Beyond shopping pages, there's soon to be shopping queries.

Like "best espresso machine", "[product] reviews", or "[product] vs [product]". These indicate someone is researching to likely make a purchase.

Or even something like "valentines gift ideas", if you're a store selling flowers and gifts.

As a DTC brand, you'll need to be fair when it comes to competitor product reviews. But for things like "valentines gift ideas", it's as simple as recommending and linking to your products.

We help with this by turning our original content ideas into detailed content briefs that will rank well, including:

  • Post title / H1
  • Recommended internal links
  • Subheading structure for keyword relevance
  • Suggested phrases for topical relevance
  • SERP feature notes such as how to structure an answer to rank in the featured snippet
  • Recommended word count based depth of competitors content
  • FAQs for People Also Ask section, schema, and overall relevance
  • Suggested scheduling order and date for searching engine rankings

You can then hand this over to your writers and get amazing ready-to-rank content to start driving traffic.

3. Drive more traffic with top of funnel content

The final stage of content is top of funnel, which is also important for topical coverage.

The goal is to drive traffic and position your website as a content authority.

Let's take one of our clients that sells brick slips, beyond the bottom of funnel searches such as:

  • brick slips (25k monthly searches)
  • brick slips uk (2.3k monthly searches)
  • brick slips near me (1.8k monthly searches)

Let's take one of our clients that sells brick slips, beyond the bottom of funnel searches such as:

  • what are brick slips (400 monthly searches)
  • how to fit brick slips (250 monthly searches)
  • how to cut brick slips (80 monthly searches)

By covering these topics with content, we're both driving additional relevant traffic to the website, as well as establishing the site as an authority on this topic by our coverage and depth.

4. Rank keywords through link building

Based on your DTS audit, you may need more backlinks to rank for certain keywords.

Using our strategy plan of which pages to point links to, how many links to build, what anchor text to use, etc. We'll do the outreach and find link opportunities for you.

This involves:

  • Creating a list of relevant websites/articles that would be beneficial to get a link from
  • Vet the quality of the websites to check they're of decent quality and how impactful a link would be
  • Reach out to these websites by email to see if they're open to this
  • Discuss and negotiate link placement details
  • Write the content for the link placement (if needed)
  • Monitor the link status and update you once live

Step Three

Add more pages/content/links

Then we simply repeat this process based on the original plan:

More shopping pages or sales content that wasn't created or improved yet? Order page plans.

Need more backlinks? Submit an order.

No retainers, contracts, or paying us while you wait for rankings.

Simple pricing to grow your revenue

No lock-in, no nonsense. Our clients typically have >10x traffic value potential and see 10.55x ROI.

Store Strategy

In-depth analysis of your shopping experience, then design, dev, and SEO changes to improve traffic and revenue.

Shopping page redesign for SEO & CRO

Shopify SEO audit

Replan site structure, menu, and internal linking

Conversion audit, redesign, and development

Bulk updating products for better site-wide SEO

Analysing and developing technical SEO solutions


Based on scope

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Based on site size

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 Need help implementing this?

Shopping Page Optimization

Creating new collections, and improving existing collections and product pages

Prioritised pages based on traffic value and competition

Detailed keyword research to identify sales focused searches

Detailed analysis of each page vs competitors

SEO recommendations based on manual analysis and data (per page)

Sales and SEO focused collection descriptions for higher traffic

Content plans & briefs to support sales

Targeted link building to grow shopping traffic


Per page/link

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Per month

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