+1,202% Organic Traffic for My Two Brows

The Client 🔍

My Two Brows sell easily applied, super realistic eyebrow stickers for people with no eyebrows such as those suffering from cancer or alopecia.

The Objective 🏆

Add an additional growth channel and build a competitive advantage in Google Search that’s hard for competitors to match.

The Competition 🔥

Amazon 😐
Byrdie 😐
Healthline 😬

Start Point

MTB had only 308 organic search users in the month before starting. But by sheer brand recognition, they were already on the first page for some highly relevant keywords like “temporary tattoo eyebrows”.


Traffic growth so far is up 1,201.95% and counting. It’s been month-on-month growth with every one of their top keywords ranking better than before.

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Organic Traffic

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Organic Revenue

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" fill="currentColor"><path d="M136 256C136 269.3 125.3 280 112 280C98.75 280 88 269.3 88 256C88 242.7 98.75 232 112 232C125.3 232 136 242.7 136 256zM184 256C184 242.7 194.7 232 208 232C221.3 232 232 242.7 232 256C232 269.3 221.3 280 208 280C194.7 280 184 269.3 184 256zM184 336C184 349.3 173.3 360 160 360C146.7 360 136 349.3 136 336C136 322.7 146.7 312 160 312C173.3 312 184 322.7 184 336zM280 256C280 242.7 290.7 232 304 232C317.3 232 328 242.7 328 256C328 269.3 317.3 280 304 280C290.7 280 280 269.3 280 256zM280 336C280 349.3 269.3 360 256 360C242.7 360 232 349.3 232 336C232 322.7 242.7 312 256 312C269.3 312 280 322.7 280 336zM376 256C376 242.7 386.7 232 400 232C413.3 232 424 242.7 424 256C424 269.3 413.3 280 400 280C386.7 280 376 269.3 376 256zM376 336C376 349.3 365.3 360 352 360C338.7 360 328 349.3 328 336C328 322.7 338.7 312 352 312C365.3 312 376 322.7 376 336zM288 0C305.7 0 320 14.33 320 32V96C320 113.7 305.7 128 288 128H208V160H424.5C456.3 160 483.3 183.4 487.8 214.9L511.4 379.5C511.8 382.5 512 385.5 512 388.5V448C512 483.3 483.3 512 448 512H64C28.65 512 0 483.3 0 448V388.5C0 385.5 .215 382.5 .6432 379.5L24.15 214.9C28.65 183.4 55.66 160 87.51 160H144V128H64C46.33 128 32 113.7 32 96V32C32 14.33 46.33 0 64 0L288 0zM96 48C87.16 48 80 55.16 80 64C80 72.84 87.16 80 96 80H256C264.8 80 272 72.84 272 64C272 55.16 264.8 48 256 48H96zM64 464H448C456.8 464 464 456.8 464 448V432H48V448C48 456.8 55.16 464 64 464zM424.5 208H87.51C79.54 208 72.79 213.9 71.67 221.7L48.49 384H463.5L440.3 221.7C439.2 213.9 432.5 208 424.5 208V208z"/></svg>



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Search Impressions

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M357.8 142.6c-1.062-3.312-3.844-5.688-7.312-6.219l-37.38-5.438l-16.75-33.91c-3.062-6.219-13.16-6.25-16.22-.0313L263.3 130.1l-37.5 5.469c-3.438 .5-6.25 2.875-7.312 6.156C217.5 145.9 218.3 149.5 220.8 151.9L247.9 178.2L241.5 215.6C240.9 218.1 242.3 222.3 245.2 224.4c2.75 2.031 6.438 2.281 9.5 .6875l33.47-17.59l33.5 17.62c1.312 .6875 2.75 1.031 4.188 1.031c1.875 0 3.75-.5938 5.344-1.781c2.812-2.031 4.156-5.406 3.562-8.812l-6.375-37.31l27.09-26.38C357.9 149.4 358.8 145.9 357.8 142.6zM572.1 82.38C569.5 71.59 559.8 64 548.7 64h-100.8c.2422-12.45 .1077-23.7-.156-33.02C447.3 13.63 433.2 0 415.8 0H160.2C142.8 0 128.7 13.63 128.2 30.98C127.1 40.3 127.8 51.55 128.1 64H27.26C16.16 64 6.537 71.59 3.912 82.38C3.1 85.78-15.71 167.2 37.07 245.9c37.44 55.82 100.6 95.03 187.5 117.4c18.7 4.805 39.42 22.23 39.42 41.54c0 .0078 0-.0078 0 0L264 464h-79.1c-13.25 0-24 10.75-24 24s10.75 24 24 24h207.1c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24s-10.75-24-24-24h-79.1v-59.24c.0313-19.29 20.73-36.68 39.41-41.48c86.96-22.34 150.1-61.55 187.5-117.4C591.7 167.2 572.9 85.78 572.1 82.38zM77.41 219.8C49.48 178.6 47.01 135.7 48.38 112h80.39c5.359 59.62 20.35 131.1 57.67 189.1C137.4 281.6 100.9 254.4 77.41 219.8zM288 352c-55.71-62.32-112.3-121.1-111.1-304h223.1C400.3 230.8 343.7 289.6 288 352zM498.6 219.8c-23.44 34.6-59.94 61.75-109 81.22C426.9 243.1 441.9 171.6 447.2 112h80.39C528.1 135.7 526.5 178.7 498.6 219.8z"></path></svg>


More Top 5 Keywords

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M334.6 312c8.174-5.266 17.02-12.56 23.64-23.1c10.58-18.27 9.528-36.67 8.917-47.69c-.0234-.4102-.0508-.8184-.0781-1.229c.1602-.2363 .3184-.4746 .4766-.7129C373.7 229.1 383.1 213.5 383.1 192s-10.27-37.09-16.4-46.41c-.1543-.2363-.3105-.4707-.4668-.7031c.0273-.4082 .0547-.8145 .0762-1.223c.6133-11.01 1.663-29.42-8.907-47.68c-10.63-18.38-27.22-26.74-37.12-31.71c-.3145-.1582-.6309-.3125-.9453-.4687c-.1562-.3164-.3125-.6328-.4707-.9492c-4.971-9.898-13.32-26.49-31.71-37.13c-10.8-6.25-23.06-9.267-37.54-9.267c-3.32 0-6.729 .1641-10.14 .3535c-.4121 .0215-.8262 .0469-1.24 .0703c-.2363-.1582-.4727-.3164-.7109-.4727C229.1 10.27 213.5 0 192 0C170.5 0 154.9 10.27 145.6 16.4C145.4 16.56 145.1 16.71 144.9 16.87C144.5 16.84 144.1 16.82 143.7 16.79C140.2 16.61 136.8 16.44 133.5 16.44c-14.47 0-26.72 3.012-37.52 9.262C77.59 36.34 69.24 52.93 64.27 62.83c-.1582 .3145-.3125 .6289-.4668 .9434c-.3145 .1543-.6309 .3086-.9453 .4668C52.96 69.21 36.37 77.56 25.72 95.95C15.15 114.2 16.19 132.6 16.81 143.6c.0215 .4082 .0488 .8184 .0762 1.225C16.72 145.1 16.57 145.3 16.41 145.6C10.27 154.9 .0008 170.5 .0008 192c0 21.5 10.27 37.09 16.41 46.41C16.56 238.6 16.72 238.9 16.87 239.1C16.85 239.5 16.82 239.9 16.8 240.3C16.18 251.3 15.13 269.7 25.7 288c6.84 11.81 16.05 19.24 24.44 24.52l-48.42 120.7c-3.25 8.188-1.781 17.48 3.875 24.25c4.619 5.512 11.39 8.621 18.39 8.621c1.572 0 3.156-.1523 4.732-.4727l45.19-9.035l21.43 42.27C99.46 507 107.6 512 116.7 512c.3438 0 .6641-.0117 1.008-.0273c9.5-.375 17.65-6.082 21.24-14.88L184.6 384h15.65l44.8 113.1c3.594 8.797 11.74 14.5 21.24 14.88C266.6 511.1 266.1 512 267.3 512c9.094 0 17.23-4.973 21.35-13.14l21.43-42.28l45.19 9.035c1.576 .3203 3.16 .4727 4.732 .4727c7.008 0 13.77-3.109 18.39-8.621c5.656-6.766 7.125-16.06 3.875-24.25L334.6 312zM316.7 264c-6.07 10.49-22.54 13.14-31.05 21.66c-8.508 8.51-11.17 24.97-21.66 31.04c-3.916 2.266-8.58 2.832-13.51 2.832c-4.916 0-10.09-.5645-15.04-.5645c-3.188 0-6.283 .2344-9.156 1.002C214.9 323 204.4 336 192 336c-12.38 0-22.9-12.95-34.32-16.01C154.8 319.2 151.7 318.1 148.5 318.1c-4.945 0-10.11 .5605-15.02 .5605c-4.932 0-9.602-.5664-13.52-2.834C109.5 310.6 106.8 294.2 98.31 285.7C89.8 277.2 73.34 274.5 67.27 264C61.29 253.7 67.16 238.1 64.01 226.3C60.96 214.9 48 204.4 48 192c0-12.38 12.96-22.9 16.01-34.32c3.154-11.81-2.711-27.37 3.277-37.71C73.36 109.5 89.82 106.8 98.34 98.31c8.51-8.508 11.17-24.97 21.66-31.04c3.916-2.266 8.58-2.832 13.51-2.832c4.916 0 10.09 .5645 15.04 .5645c3.188 0 6.283-.2344 9.156-1.002C169.1 60.95 179.6 48 192 48c12.39 0 22.9 12.95 34.32 16.01c2.877 .7695 5.977 1.004 9.17 1.004c4.945 0 10.11-.5605 15.02-.5605c4.932 0 9.604 .5664 13.52 2.834c10.49 6.068 13.14 22.54 21.66 31.05c8.508 8.512 24.97 11.17 31.04 21.66c5.982 10.34 .1152 25.9 3.27 37.71C323.1 169.1 336 179.6 336 192c0 12.38-12.95 22.9-16.01 34.32C316.8 238.1 322.7 253.7 316.7 264zM192 128C156.7 128 128 156.6 128 192c0 35.33 28.65 64 64 64s64-28.67 64-64C256 156.6 227.3 128 192 128z"/></svg>


More Page 1 Keywords

How do you drive search traffic to a product that most people don’t even know exists?

The LOGEIX Playbook

No two projects are the same, but the high level strategy never changes. Here are the 3 steps we use every time to multiply our clients organic revenue, along with the specific tactics we used for this client campaign.

    1. Improve Site Quality

    The good thing about small sites is that they’re rarely held back by technical SEO issues, unless it’s a major problem. Noindexing half your site, for example, and yes we’ve seen this before.

    For My Two Brows though, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

    Their product schema had a few useful items missing which we added. This helps search engines better understand what your products are and can lead to rich snippets.

    Also product pages were linked using canonicalised URLs, something we have to fix for 9/10 Shopify stores.

    And finally there were some minor other tweaks, like a HTTP link (as opposed to HTTPS) and some outdated/dead pages worth removing.

    All round, quite simple. Usually it is for stores with only 13 products.

    2. Expand Bottom of Funnel

    Now for the juicy stuff.

    There’s less than a couple thousand searches a month for anything related to eyebrow stickers. That’s not enough to expand with keywords like styles of eyebrow stickers or colours.

    But what if we think about this differently?

    Losing your eyebrows is a serious problem, the specific solution is kind of irrelevant as long as there is a good one. So how can we reach people that would love this solution?

    How about someone searching “why do my eyebrows fall out when I rub them”?. Or "bald spot on eyebrow”? Or maybe “no eyebrows makeup”?

    Unlike most of our campaigns, we focused most of our efforts towards content rather than collections. Content allows us to target people searching for alternative solutions to this problem, then offer a better one.

    This worked exceptionally well, with their content outranking huge authority sites like Byrdie, Healthline, Real Simple, and more.

    And traffic skyrocketed while remaining highly relevant:

    3. Optimise Bottom of Funnel

    There were still some huge opportunities for people that knew eyebrow stickers existed though.

    Look at all these keywords (monthly search volume in brackets):

    • eyebrow temporary tattoo (900)
    • temporary eyebrow tattoos (350)
    • temporary tattoo eyebrows (800)
    • temporary eyebrow tattoo (700)
    • eyebrow tattoo sticker (400)
    • brow stickers (150)
    • fake eyebrow tattoo (150)

    These aren’t huge keywords by any stretch, but it’s as big as the market is for more or less directly searching for this product.

    Since working with us, we’ve got them in the top 3 for every one of these keywords now. All with their homepage.

    At a high level, it’s as simple as:

    1. More content - nothing crazy, about 300 words added to the homepage with the keywords and related terms woven in
    2. More backlinks - these had a near instant impact on rankings as their domain authority was so low prior
    3. Better optimisation - such as changing the H1 from the logo to a sentence containing “Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos”

    All of this led to better rankings across all their existing keywords, as well as many new ones:



    Here’s how it breaks down in numbers:

    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M48 408C48 421.3 58.75 432 72 432H488C501.3 432 512 442.7 512 456C512 469.3 501.3 480 488 480H72C32.24 480 0 447.8 0 408V56C0 42.75 10.75 32 24 32C37.25 32 48 42.75 48 56V408zM344 128H456C469.3 128 480 138.7 480 152V264C480 277.3 469.3 288 456 288C442.7 288 432 277.3 432 264V209.9L320.1 320.1C311.6 330.3 296.4 330.3 287 320.1L207.1 241.9L144.1 304.1C135.6 314.3 120.4 314.3 111 304.1C101.7 295.6 101.7 280.4 111 271L191 191C200.4 181.7 215.6 181.7 224.1 191L304 270.1L398.1 176H344C330.7 176 320 165.3 320 152C320 138.7 330.7 128 344 128V128z"></path></svg>


    Organic Traffic

    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"  fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M208 256C208 202.1 243.8 160 288 160C332.2 160 368 202.1 368 256C368 309 332.2 352 288 352C243.8 352 208 309 208 256zM0 421.5V113C0 88.79 25.38 72.73 48.35 79.04C128.2 100.1 208.1 80.61 288 60.25C374.9 38.1 461.8 15.95 548.7 48.26C565.8 54.6 576 71.96 576 90.5V398.1C576 423.2 550.6 439.3 527.7 432.1C447.8 411 367.9 431.4 288 451.7C201.1 473.9 114.2 496 27.29 463.7C10.21 457.4 0 440 0 421.5V421.5zM279.2 404.4C335.1 390.1 398.6 373.9 464.5 375.7C468.6 344.3 495.5 320 528 320V144C492.7 144 464.1 115.4 464 80.14C417 78.44 367.2 89.66 310.3 104.1C305.9 105.2 301.4 106.4 296.8 107.6C240.9 121.9 177.4 138.1 111.5 136.3C107.4 167.7 80.53 192 48 192V368C83.3 368 111.9 396.6 112 431.9C158.1 433.6 208.8 422.3 265.7 407.9C270.1 406.8 274.6 405.6 279.2 404.4H279.2z"/></svg>


    Organic Revenue

    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" fill="currentColor"><path d="M136 256C136 269.3 125.3 280 112 280C98.75 280 88 269.3 88 256C88 242.7 98.75 232 112 232C125.3 232 136 242.7 136 256zM184 256C184 242.7 194.7 232 208 232C221.3 232 232 242.7 232 256C232 269.3 221.3 280 208 280C194.7 280 184 269.3 184 256zM184 336C184 349.3 173.3 360 160 360C146.7 360 136 349.3 136 336C136 322.7 146.7 312 160 312C173.3 312 184 322.7 184 336zM280 256C280 242.7 290.7 232 304 232C317.3 232 328 242.7 328 256C328 269.3 317.3 280 304 280C290.7 280 280 269.3 280 256zM280 336C280 349.3 269.3 360 256 360C242.7 360 232 349.3 232 336C232 322.7 242.7 312 256 312C269.3 312 280 322.7 280 336zM376 256C376 242.7 386.7 232 400 232C413.3 232 424 242.7 424 256C424 269.3 413.3 280 400 280C386.7 280 376 269.3 376 256zM376 336C376 349.3 365.3 360 352 360C338.7 360 328 349.3 328 336C328 322.7 338.7 312 352 312C365.3 312 376 322.7 376 336zM288 0C305.7 0 320 14.33 320 32V96C320 113.7 305.7 128 288 128H208V160H424.5C456.3 160 483.3 183.4 487.8 214.9L511.4 379.5C511.8 382.5 512 385.5 512 388.5V448C512 483.3 483.3 512 448 512H64C28.65 512 0 483.3 0 448V388.5C0 385.5 .215 382.5 .6432 379.5L24.15 214.9C28.65 183.4 55.66 160 87.51 160H144V128H64C46.33 128 32 113.7 32 96V32C32 14.33 46.33 0 64 0L288 0zM96 48C87.16 48 80 55.16 80 64C80 72.84 87.16 80 96 80H256C264.8 80 272 72.84 272 64C272 55.16 264.8 48 256 48H96zM64 464H448C456.8 464 464 456.8 464 448V432H48V448C48 456.8 55.16 464 64 464zM424.5 208H87.51C79.54 208 72.79 213.9 71.67 221.7L48.49 384H463.5L440.3 221.7C439.2 213.9 432.5 208 424.5 208V208z"/></svg>



    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><path d="M468 32c-62.9 0-117.9 44.34-147.9 110.1c-10.8-23.89-24.89-45.37-42.23-62.99C247.5 48.31 210.9 32 172 32C77.16 32 0 132.5 0 256s77.16 224 172 224c62.1 0 118-44.48 148-110.4C349.1 435.5 405 480 468 480C562.8 480 640 379.5 640 256S562.8 32 468 32zM172 432c-45.95 0-86.05-35.75-107.5-88.59C73.86 348.7 84.5 352 96 352c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64S131.3 224 96 224C76.98 224 60.09 232.5 48.37 245.6C52.19 153.4 106.1 80 172 80c25.75 0 50.53 11.34 71.72 32.84C276.4 146.1 296 199.6 296 256C296 353 240.4 432 172 432zM468 432c-44.59 0-83.64-33.7-105.5-83.97C369.3 350.4 376.4 352 384 352c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64s-28.65-64-64-64c-14.91 0-28.46 5.312-39.34 13.87C351.1 149.3 403.9 80 468 80C536.4 80 592 158.1 592 256S536.4 432 468 432z"></path></svg>


    Search Impressions

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