+466.93% Organic Revenue Growth for PC International

The Client 🔍

PC International is a popular brand and online store in South Africa for purchasing computers and laptops in-store and online.

The Objective 🏆

They’d been investing in SEO but not seeing the expected results, they were looking for significant growth of keyword rankings and traffic.

The Competition 🔥

Wootware 😐
Incredible 😬
Evetech 😬

Start Point

Traffic was stagnant for months despite investing in SEO, there were barely any first page rankings. This has since grown from around 2,360 monthly users to over 10,000.


Over the past 18 months, organic search traffic has grown over 900% resulting in significantly higher sales and revenue.

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Organic Traffic

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Organic Revenue

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Organic Sales

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M372.1 25.53C401-2.904 446.9-3.055 475.1 25.19L487 37.1C515.2 65.21 515.2 110.8 487.1 138.9L310.6 315.5C300.7 325.4 288.1 332.2 274.4 335.1L188.9 352.1C180.1 354.7 172.8 352.2 167 346.5C161.3 340.7 158.8 332.5 160.5 324.6L178.5 238.9C181.3 225.4 187.1 212.1 197.7 203.1L372.1 25.53zM441.2 59.14C431.8 49.72 416.5 49.77 407.1 59.25L386.3 80.36L432 126.1L453.1 104.1C462.5 95.6 462.5 80.41 453.1 71.04L441.2 59.14zM225.5 248.8L215 298.5L264.6 288.1C269.1 287.1 273.3 284.9 276.6 281.6L398.1 160L352.6 114.5L231.9 236.8C228.6 240.1 226.4 244.3 225.5 248.8L225.5 248.8zM284.7 58.05C275.3 56.7 265.8 56 256 56C145.5 56 56 145.5 56 256C56 366.5 145.5 456 256 456C269.3 456 280 466.7 280 480C280 493.3 269.3 504 256 504C119 504 8 392.1 8 256C8 119 119 8 256 8C279.8 8 302.9 11.36 324.7 17.63L284.7 58.05zM494.6 187.1C500.7 209.6 504 232.4 504 256C504 339.9 435.9 408 352 408C338.7 408 328 397.3 328 384C328 370.7 338.7 360 352 360C409.4 360 456 313.4 456 256C456 246.7 455.4 237.5 454.1 228.4L494.6 187.1z"/></svg>


Blog Keywords

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M357.8 142.6c-1.062-3.312-3.844-5.688-7.312-6.219l-37.38-5.438l-16.75-33.91c-3.062-6.219-13.16-6.25-16.22-.0313L263.3 130.1l-37.5 5.469c-3.438 .5-6.25 2.875-7.312 6.156C217.5 145.9 218.3 149.5 220.8 151.9L247.9 178.2L241.5 215.6C240.9 218.1 242.3 222.3 245.2 224.4c2.75 2.031 6.438 2.281 9.5 .6875l33.47-17.59l33.5 17.62c1.312 .6875 2.75 1.031 4.188 1.031c1.875 0 3.75-.5938 5.344-1.781c2.812-2.031 4.156-5.406 3.562-8.812l-6.375-37.31l27.09-26.38C357.9 149.4 358.8 145.9 357.8 142.6zM572.1 82.38C569.5 71.59 559.8 64 548.7 64h-100.8c.2422-12.45 .1077-23.7-.156-33.02C447.3 13.63 433.2 0 415.8 0H160.2C142.8 0 128.7 13.63 128.2 30.98C127.1 40.3 127.8 51.55 128.1 64H27.26C16.16 64 6.537 71.59 3.912 82.38C3.1 85.78-15.71 167.2 37.07 245.9c37.44 55.82 100.6 95.03 187.5 117.4c18.7 4.805 39.42 22.23 39.42 41.54c0 .0078 0-.0078 0 0L264 464h-79.1c-13.25 0-24 10.75-24 24s10.75 24 24 24h207.1c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24s-10.75-24-24-24h-79.1v-59.24c.0313-19.29 20.73-36.68 39.41-41.48c86.96-22.34 150.1-61.55 187.5-117.4C591.7 167.2 572.9 85.78 572.1 82.38zM77.41 219.8C49.48 178.6 47.01 135.7 48.38 112h80.39c5.359 59.62 20.35 131.1 57.67 189.1C137.4 281.6 100.9 254.4 77.41 219.8zM288 352c-55.71-62.32-112.3-121.1-111.1-304h223.1C400.3 230.8 343.7 289.6 288 352zM498.6 219.8c-23.44 34.6-59.94 61.75-109 81.22C426.9 243.1 441.9 171.6 447.2 112h80.39C528.1 135.7 526.5 178.7 498.6 219.8z"/></svg>


Top 3 Keywords

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M334.6 312c8.174-5.266 17.02-12.56 23.64-23.1c10.58-18.27 9.528-36.67 8.917-47.69c-.0234-.4102-.0508-.8184-.0781-1.229c.1602-.2363 .3184-.4746 .4766-.7129C373.7 229.1 383.1 213.5 383.1 192s-10.27-37.09-16.4-46.41c-.1543-.2363-.3105-.4707-.4668-.7031c.0273-.4082 .0547-.8145 .0762-1.223c.6133-11.01 1.663-29.42-8.907-47.68c-10.63-18.38-27.22-26.74-37.12-31.71c-.3145-.1582-.6309-.3125-.9453-.4687c-.1562-.3164-.3125-.6328-.4707-.9492c-4.971-9.898-13.32-26.49-31.71-37.13c-10.8-6.25-23.06-9.267-37.54-9.267c-3.32 0-6.729 .1641-10.14 .3535c-.4121 .0215-.8262 .0469-1.24 .0703c-.2363-.1582-.4727-.3164-.7109-.4727C229.1 10.27 213.5 0 192 0C170.5 0 154.9 10.27 145.6 16.4C145.4 16.56 145.1 16.71 144.9 16.87C144.5 16.84 144.1 16.82 143.7 16.79C140.2 16.61 136.8 16.44 133.5 16.44c-14.47 0-26.72 3.012-37.52 9.262C77.59 36.34 69.24 52.93 64.27 62.83c-.1582 .3145-.3125 .6289-.4668 .9434c-.3145 .1543-.6309 .3086-.9453 .4668C52.96 69.21 36.37 77.56 25.72 95.95C15.15 114.2 16.19 132.6 16.81 143.6c.0215 .4082 .0488 .8184 .0762 1.225C16.72 145.1 16.57 145.3 16.41 145.6C10.27 154.9 .0008 170.5 .0008 192c0 21.5 10.27 37.09 16.41 46.41C16.56 238.6 16.72 238.9 16.87 239.1C16.85 239.5 16.82 239.9 16.8 240.3C16.18 251.3 15.13 269.7 25.7 288c6.84 11.81 16.05 19.24 24.44 24.52l-48.42 120.7c-3.25 8.188-1.781 17.48 3.875 24.25c4.619 5.512 11.39 8.621 18.39 8.621c1.572 0 3.156-.1523 4.732-.4727l45.19-9.035l21.43 42.27C99.46 507 107.6 512 116.7 512c.3438 0 .6641-.0117 1.008-.0273c9.5-.375 17.65-6.082 21.24-14.88L184.6 384h15.65l44.8 113.1c3.594 8.797 11.74 14.5 21.24 14.88C266.6 511.1 266.1 512 267.3 512c9.094 0 17.23-4.973 21.35-13.14l21.43-42.28l45.19 9.035c1.576 .3203 3.16 .4727 4.732 .4727c7.008 0 13.77-3.109 18.39-8.621c5.656-6.766 7.125-16.06 3.875-24.25L334.6 312zM316.7 264c-6.07 10.49-22.54 13.14-31.05 21.66c-8.508 8.51-11.17 24.97-21.66 31.04c-3.916 2.266-8.58 2.832-13.51 2.832c-4.916 0-10.09-.5645-15.04-.5645c-3.188 0-6.283 .2344-9.156 1.002C214.9 323 204.4 336 192 336c-12.38 0-22.9-12.95-34.32-16.01C154.8 319.2 151.7 318.1 148.5 318.1c-4.945 0-10.11 .5605-15.02 .5605c-4.932 0-9.602-.5664-13.52-2.834C109.5 310.6 106.8 294.2 98.31 285.7C89.8 277.2 73.34 274.5 67.27 264C61.29 253.7 67.16 238.1 64.01 226.3C60.96 214.9 48 204.4 48 192c0-12.38 12.96-22.9 16.01-34.32c3.154-11.81-2.711-27.37 3.277-37.71C73.36 109.5 89.82 106.8 98.34 98.31c8.51-8.508 11.17-24.97 21.66-31.04c3.916-2.266 8.58-2.832 13.51-2.832c4.916 0 10.09 .5645 15.04 .5645c3.188 0 6.283-.2344 9.156-1.002C169.1 60.95 179.6 48 192 48c12.39 0 22.9 12.95 34.32 16.01c2.877 .7695 5.977 1.004 9.17 1.004c4.945 0 10.11-.5605 15.02-.5605c4.932 0 9.604 .5664 13.52 2.834c10.49 6.068 13.14 22.54 21.66 31.05c8.508 8.512 24.97 11.17 31.04 21.66c5.982 10.34 .1152 25.9 3.27 37.71C323.1 169.1 336 179.6 336 192c0 12.38-12.95 22.9-16.01 34.32C316.8 238.1 322.7 253.7 316.7 264zM192 128C156.7 128 128 156.6 128 192c0 35.33 28.65 64 64 64s64-28.67 64-64C256 156.6 227.3 128 192 128z"/></svg>


Page 1 Keywords

How do you rank nationally for gaming laptops, PCs, and parts?

The LOGEIX Playbook

No two projects are the same, but the high level strategy never changes. Here are the 3 steps we use every time to multiply our clients organic revenue, along with the specific tactics we used for this client campaign.

    1. Improve Site Quality

    Before improving specific pages, there’s usually huge opportunities to improve the overall site, which has a larger impact.

    In PC International’s case, due to being a WooCommerce store with a significant number of products, there were a large number of technical SEO issues.

    One of the biggest was caused by the faceted navigation:

    If you were to click any of these pages, it would launch a new indexable page.

    This is an issue when multiple similar pages are created targeting the same keywords:

    <figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image w-richtext-align-fullwidth" style="max-width:1219pxpx"><div><img style="box-shadow:none;margin:0;border-radius:0" src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62a71a99fc80c544af00084d/63f87b4237a3c160a6537d85_pcintl-keyword-cannibalisation.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" title="" style=""></div><figcaption>These two pages target the same keyword, have almost identical content... but they're seen as two separate pages.</figcaption></figure>

    In the SEO world, we call this keyword cannibalisation. It means you have more than one page targeting the same keywords, which usually leads to inconsistent rankings.

    We managed this by merging different pages, canonicalising them together (i.e. informing search engines they’re the same page), and/or de-optimising certain pages - depending on the situation.

    This may seem trivial, but it’s huge for site quality issues and getting these product category pages to actually rank well.

    Beyond that, there were all your common technical issues that come from larger sites e.g. 404 pages, 500 error pages, broken canonical links, broken backlinks, broken menu links, etc.

    For a website with thousands of pages, these all make a drastic difference to site quality, which impacts rankings.

    This is likely why we started seeing solid growth within a few months of starting:

    2. Expand Bottom of Funnel

    This is literally the only client we haven’t launched new product category pages for.

    In this case, PC International is using a faceted navigation plugin that creates new product category pages for every single filter option. This creates a huge number of bottom of funnel pages already (actually too many, see prev section).

    So rather than creating new ones, we simply identified which ones were worth using and worked with the client's writers to expand these with content.

    … there were a LOT.

    For content, we recommended shorter descriptions added to the bottom of the page with relevant keywords and internal links, for example:

    This adds a bit more detail to the page making it easier to rank without impacting conversions. Again, this adds up across 100+ categories optimised.

    We also added to the middle of funnel this time.

    Take a look at these keywords:

    • small laptop prices
    • good laptops for students
    • best laptops in south africa
    • small laptops
    • best budget laptops south africa

    These are all what we’d call “middle of funnel”, it’s not necessarily someone searching for a store to buy a laptop from, but it’s someone looking for information of what to buy.

    It still converts to sales and there’s a lot of these searches every month.

    At the time of starting with PC International, they had zero blog content. So we worked with their writers to publish 30+ at this point, which added thousands of monthly visitors to the site.

    3. Optimise Bottom of Funnel

    In combination with improving low hanging fruit pages like pc power supplies, geforce graphics card, ryzen 5 laptop, and other product categories that simply need light optimisation and some content.

    We also went deep on specific key pages that had huge opportunities.

    The homepage, for example, now ranks 2nd nationally for “pc” with 12,000 monthly searches. They’re also on the first page for “tablets for sale”, “gaming laptop”, “i7 laptop”, “ssd hard drive”, and more.

    These results come down to a mixture of improving the page content, internal linking, and targeted backlinks.

    For example, there’s 35,000 monthly searches for “laptops for sale”, so we targeted the H2 in the description section to target this:

    You’ll also see in the title tag for most pages we’re targeting keyword modifiers like “buy” and “south africa”, these have many thousands of searches per month so are a quick win:

    Want this for your store too? Check out the Logeix Lab extension.

    And we also put a LOT of effort into internal linking.

    That means adding links from product categories to subcategories and products:

    And manually linking product pages up to product categories:

    This may seem simple, but internal linking is a huge ranking factor and this adds up to hundreds of relevant internal links to the right pages.

    We often see big ranking improvements within a few weeks of pushing a page with all these internal links. And it’s your own website, so there’s no outreach or nonsense.



    Here’s how it breaks down in numbers:

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    Organic Traffic

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    Organic Revenue

    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" fill="currentColor"><path d="M136 256C136 269.3 125.3 280 112 280C98.75 280 88 269.3 88 256C88 242.7 98.75 232 112 232C125.3 232 136 242.7 136 256zM184 256C184 242.7 194.7 232 208 232C221.3 232 232 242.7 232 256C232 269.3 221.3 280 208 280C194.7 280 184 269.3 184 256zM184 336C184 349.3 173.3 360 160 360C146.7 360 136 349.3 136 336C136 322.7 146.7 312 160 312C173.3 312 184 322.7 184 336zM280 256C280 242.7 290.7 232 304 232C317.3 232 328 242.7 328 256C328 269.3 317.3 280 304 280C290.7 280 280 269.3 280 256zM280 336C280 349.3 269.3 360 256 360C242.7 360 232 349.3 232 336C232 322.7 242.7 312 256 312C269.3 312 280 322.7 280 336zM376 256C376 242.7 386.7 232 400 232C413.3 232 424 242.7 424 256C424 269.3 413.3 280 400 280C386.7 280 376 269.3 376 256zM376 336C376 349.3 365.3 360 352 360C338.7 360 328 349.3 328 336C328 322.7 338.7 312 352 312C365.3 312 376 322.7 376 336zM288 0C305.7 0 320 14.33 320 32V96C320 113.7 305.7 128 288 128H208V160H424.5C456.3 160 483.3 183.4 487.8 214.9L511.4 379.5C511.8 382.5 512 385.5 512 388.5V448C512 483.3 483.3 512 448 512H64C28.65 512 0 483.3 0 448V388.5C0 385.5 .215 382.5 .6432 379.5L24.15 214.9C28.65 183.4 55.66 160 87.51 160H144V128H64C46.33 128 32 113.7 32 96V32C32 14.33 46.33 0 64 0L288 0zM96 48C87.16 48 80 55.16 80 64C80 72.84 87.16 80 96 80H256C264.8 80 272 72.84 272 64C272 55.16 264.8 48 256 48H96zM64 464H448C456.8 464 464 456.8 464 448V432H48V448C48 456.8 55.16 464 64 464zM424.5 208H87.51C79.54 208 72.79 213.9 71.67 221.7L48.49 384H463.5L440.3 221.7C439.2 213.9 432.5 208 424.5 208V208z"/></svg>


    Organic Sales

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    Blog Keywords

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