+142% Organic Traffic Growth for TheSoapery

The Client 🔍

TheSoapery is a natural ingredients store for making soap at home. Their no-nonsense approach is loved by many with over 100,000 online sales.

The Objective 🏆

Organic traffic had dropped by ~65% in the past year, the goal was to recapture this using sustainable strategies.

The Competition 🔥

Naissance 😀
Freshskin 😐
The Soap Kitchen 😬

Start Point

40% of their revenue was coming from organic search, yet they’d never invested in it before. Traffic was stable at 6,000 - 7,000 organic users per month, but less than all their competitors.


Search impressions grew +193% leading to +142% clicks when excluding brand searches. This led to 78.44% revenue growth.

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Collection Clicks

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M208 256C208 202.1 243.8 160 288 160C332.2 160 368 202.1 368 256C368 309 332.2 352 288 352C243.8 352 208 309 208 256zM0 421.5V113C0 88.79 25.38 72.73 48.35 79.04C128.2 100.1 208.1 80.61 288 60.25C374.9 38.1 461.8 15.95 548.7 48.26C565.8 54.6 576 71.96 576 90.5V398.1C576 423.2 550.6 439.3 527.7 432.1C447.8 411 367.9 431.4 288 451.7C201.1 473.9 114.2 496 27.29 463.7C10.21 457.4 0 440 0 421.5V421.5zM279.2 404.4C335.1 390.1 398.6 373.9 464.5 375.7C468.6 344.3 495.5 320 528 320V144C492.7 144 464.1 115.4 464 80.14C417 78.44 367.2 89.66 310.3 104.1C305.9 105.2 301.4 106.4 296.8 107.6C240.9 121.9 177.4 138.1 111.5 136.3C107.4 167.7 80.53 192 48 192V368C83.3 368 111.9 396.6 112 431.9C158.1 433.6 208.8 422.3 265.7 407.9C270.1 406.8 274.6 405.6 279.2 404.4H279.2z"></path></svg>


Annual Traffic Value

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M357.8 142.6c-1.062-3.312-3.844-5.688-7.312-6.219l-37.38-5.438l-16.75-33.91c-3.062-6.219-13.16-6.25-16.22-.0313L263.3 130.1l-37.5 5.469c-3.438 .5-6.25 2.875-7.312 6.156C217.5 145.9 218.3 149.5 220.8 151.9L247.9 178.2L241.5 215.6C240.9 218.1 242.3 222.3 245.2 224.4c2.75 2.031 6.438 2.281 9.5 .6875l33.47-17.59l33.5 17.62c1.312 .6875 2.75 1.031 4.188 1.031c1.875 0 3.75-.5938 5.344-1.781c2.812-2.031 4.156-5.406 3.562-8.812l-6.375-37.31l27.09-26.38C357.9 149.4 358.8 145.9 357.8 142.6zM572.1 82.38C569.5 71.59 559.8 64 548.7 64h-100.8c.2422-12.45 .1077-23.7-.156-33.02C447.3 13.63 433.2 0 415.8 0H160.2C142.8 0 128.7 13.63 128.2 30.98C127.1 40.3 127.8 51.55 128.1 64H27.26C16.16 64 6.537 71.59 3.912 82.38C3.1 85.78-15.71 167.2 37.07 245.9c37.44 55.82 100.6 95.03 187.5 117.4c18.7 4.805 39.42 22.23 39.42 41.54c0 .0078 0-.0078 0 0L264 464h-79.1c-13.25 0-24 10.75-24 24s10.75 24 24 24h207.1c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24s-10.75-24-24-24h-79.1v-59.24c.0313-19.29 20.73-36.68 39.41-41.48c86.96-22.34 150.1-61.55 187.5-117.4C591.7 167.2 572.9 85.78 572.1 82.38zM77.41 219.8C49.48 178.6 47.01 135.7 48.38 112h80.39c5.359 59.62 20.35 131.1 57.67 189.1C137.4 281.6 100.9 254.4 77.41 219.8zM288 352c-55.71-62.32-112.3-121.1-111.1-304h223.1C400.3 230.8 343.7 289.6 288 352zM498.6 219.8c-23.44 34.6-59.94 61.75-109 81.22C426.9 243.1 441.9 171.6 447.2 112h80.39C528.1 135.7 526.5 178.7 498.6 219.8z"/></svg>


Top 3 Keywords

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M334.6 312c8.174-5.266 17.02-12.56 23.64-23.1c10.58-18.27 9.528-36.67 8.917-47.69c-.0234-.4102-.0508-.8184-.0781-1.229c.1602-.2363 .3184-.4746 .4766-.7129C373.7 229.1 383.1 213.5 383.1 192s-10.27-37.09-16.4-46.41c-.1543-.2363-.3105-.4707-.4668-.7031c.0273-.4082 .0547-.8145 .0762-1.223c.6133-11.01 1.663-29.42-8.907-47.68c-10.63-18.38-27.22-26.74-37.12-31.71c-.3145-.1582-.6309-.3125-.9453-.4687c-.1562-.3164-.3125-.6328-.4707-.9492c-4.971-9.898-13.32-26.49-31.71-37.13c-10.8-6.25-23.06-9.267-37.54-9.267c-3.32 0-6.729 .1641-10.14 .3535c-.4121 .0215-.8262 .0469-1.24 .0703c-.2363-.1582-.4727-.3164-.7109-.4727C229.1 10.27 213.5 0 192 0C170.5 0 154.9 10.27 145.6 16.4C145.4 16.56 145.1 16.71 144.9 16.87C144.5 16.84 144.1 16.82 143.7 16.79C140.2 16.61 136.8 16.44 133.5 16.44c-14.47 0-26.72 3.012-37.52 9.262C77.59 36.34 69.24 52.93 64.27 62.83c-.1582 .3145-.3125 .6289-.4668 .9434c-.3145 .1543-.6309 .3086-.9453 .4668C52.96 69.21 36.37 77.56 25.72 95.95C15.15 114.2 16.19 132.6 16.81 143.6c.0215 .4082 .0488 .8184 .0762 1.225C16.72 145.1 16.57 145.3 16.41 145.6C10.27 154.9 .0008 170.5 .0008 192c0 21.5 10.27 37.09 16.41 46.41C16.56 238.6 16.72 238.9 16.87 239.1C16.85 239.5 16.82 239.9 16.8 240.3C16.18 251.3 15.13 269.7 25.7 288c6.84 11.81 16.05 19.24 24.44 24.52l-48.42 120.7c-3.25 8.188-1.781 17.48 3.875 24.25c4.619 5.512 11.39 8.621 18.39 8.621c1.572 0 3.156-.1523 4.732-.4727l45.19-9.035l21.43 42.27C99.46 507 107.6 512 116.7 512c.3438 0 .6641-.0117 1.008-.0273c9.5-.375 17.65-6.082 21.24-14.88L184.6 384h15.65l44.8 113.1c3.594 8.797 11.74 14.5 21.24 14.88C266.6 511.1 266.1 512 267.3 512c9.094 0 17.23-4.973 21.35-13.14l21.43-42.28l45.19 9.035c1.576 .3203 3.16 .4727 4.732 .4727c7.008 0 13.77-3.109 18.39-8.621c5.656-6.766 7.125-16.06 3.875-24.25L334.6 312zM316.7 264c-6.07 10.49-22.54 13.14-31.05 21.66c-8.508 8.51-11.17 24.97-21.66 31.04c-3.916 2.266-8.58 2.832-13.51 2.832c-4.916 0-10.09-.5645-15.04-.5645c-3.188 0-6.283 .2344-9.156 1.002C214.9 323 204.4 336 192 336c-12.38 0-22.9-12.95-34.32-16.01C154.8 319.2 151.7 318.1 148.5 318.1c-4.945 0-10.11 .5605-15.02 .5605c-4.932 0-9.602-.5664-13.52-2.834C109.5 310.6 106.8 294.2 98.31 285.7C89.8 277.2 73.34 274.5 67.27 264C61.29 253.7 67.16 238.1 64.01 226.3C60.96 214.9 48 204.4 48 192c0-12.38 12.96-22.9 16.01-34.32c3.154-11.81-2.711-27.37 3.277-37.71C73.36 109.5 89.82 106.8 98.34 98.31c8.51-8.508 11.17-24.97 21.66-31.04c3.916-2.266 8.58-2.832 13.51-2.832c4.916 0 10.09 .5645 15.04 .5645c3.188 0 6.283-.2344 9.156-1.002C169.1 60.95 179.6 48 192 48c12.39 0 22.9 12.95 34.32 16.01c2.877 .7695 5.977 1.004 9.17 1.004c4.945 0 10.11-.5605 15.02-.5605c4.932 0 9.604 .5664 13.52 2.834c10.49 6.068 13.14 22.54 21.66 31.05c8.508 8.512 24.97 11.17 31.04 21.66c5.982 10.34 .1152 25.9 3.27 37.71C323.1 169.1 336 179.6 336 192c0 12.38-12.95 22.9-16.01 34.32C316.8 238.1 322.7 253.7 316.7 264zM192 128C156.7 128 128 156.6 128 192c0 35.33 28.65 64 64 64s64-28.67 64-64C256 156.6 227.3 128 192 128z"/></svg>


Page 1 Keywords

How do you recover from 12 months of downtrending traffic with 64.65% of organic search traffic lost?

The LOGEIX Playbook

No two projects are the same, but the high level strategy never changes. Here are the 3 steps we use every time to multiply our clients organic revenue, along with the specific tactics we used for this client campaign.

    1. Improve Site Quality

    TheSoapery had a few technical SEO issues, but nothing particularly crazy, just the typical Shopify problems.

    Every collection had a big list of filters (i.e. product tags) that were all low quality automated pages - and indexable.

    These are all simple enough to block in Robots.txt.

    They also had all the product links going to canonicalised (i.e. wrong) URLs:

    Which was a simple theme fix, along with adding custom breadcrumbs which breaks as a result of this:

    <img style="box-shadow:none;margin-bottom:45px;margin-top:30px;border-radius:0" src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62a71a99fc80c544af00084d/63f096bcffaabc21fd0c010f_the-soapery-breadcrumbs.webp" loading="lazy" alt="">

    This is huge for internal linking, which can really help rankings, as you’ll now have links to your collections from all your products.

    Another less common issue was a lack of Hreflang tags. TheSoapery also has an EU and FR website for selling across Europe, even with duplicate English content.

    So we manually set up Hreflang tags to show search engines these are all the same business and website, just different language and location targets.

    Technically, this is extremely simple to implement. But as there’s no real link or connection between separate Shopify stores, it required a lot of manual research and setup.

    2. Expand Bottom of Funnel

    • Organic butters
    • Organic essential oils

    If you take a look at The Soap Kitchen, you’ll notice they have a huge number of product categories accessible via different shop by menus:

    This expands the keyword potential of the site quite dramatically, with each of these being potential search entry points for customers.

    TheSoapery on the other hand had just 11 collections.

    So far we’ve launched 2 new collections:

    • Organic Essential Oils now ranking #1 for organic essential oils uk, organic oils, and organic essential oils with a combined 1,300 monthly searches
    • Organic Butters now ranking #1 for organic butters with 500 monthly searches

    The rest of our ideas are still pending as the client redesigns the website and navigation. Initial results are extremely promising though.

    3. Optimise Bottom of Funnel

    Our final core strategy was to improve the existing homepage, collections, and product pages.

    The first major problem was that the theme layout restricted us from adding any content to the pages:

    We resolved this by moving the description below the image and purchase area, which also allowed us to switch it to a full width layout.

    You can see an example here:

    Now we could add more detailed descriptions, answer potential buyer questions, etc.

    Similarly, we customised collections so they can keep short persuasive descriptions at the top, with more detailed FAQ sections or other descriptions at the bottom.

    By adding more relevant content, we were able to optimise the pages properly, which led to significant search ranking improvements.

    The other issue we had was the similarity of products, take a look at this:

    All of these products are extremely similar and all are able to rank for avocado oil keywords.

    But which one should rank? Well, sometimes it was one, other times it was another. This led to very inconsistent results over time.

    We resolved this by deciding a primary product for each type, for example, we’ll say “Avocado Oil - Refined” is our main focus to rank for avocado oil.

    So we optimised this specific page for that keyword, de-optimising the rest.

    Then we created links from the other products to this specific one, this helps establish a clear hierarchy of importance and relevance.

    Finally, we optimised the other products for specific keywords such as “cold pressed avocado oil” or “organic avocado oil”.

    Repeat this across all the other products, it’s a lot of manual work, but the results paid off massively if you were to compare product rankings.



    Here’s how it breaks down in numbers:

    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><path d="M468 32c-62.9 0-117.9 44.34-147.9 110.1c-10.8-23.89-24.89-45.37-42.23-62.99C247.5 48.31 210.9 32 172 32C77.16 32 0 132.5 0 256s77.16 224 172 224c62.1 0 118-44.48 148-110.4C349.1 435.5 405 480 468 480C562.8 480 640 379.5 640 256S562.8 32 468 32zM172 432c-45.95 0-86.05-35.75-107.5-88.59C73.86 348.7 84.5 352 96 352c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64S131.3 224 96 224C76.98 224 60.09 232.5 48.37 245.6C52.19 153.4 106.1 80 172 80c25.75 0 50.53 11.34 71.72 32.84C276.4 146.1 296 199.6 296 256C296 353 240.4 432 172 432zM468 432c-44.59 0-83.64-33.7-105.5-83.97C369.3 350.4 376.4 352 384 352c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64s-28.65-64-64-64c-14.91 0-28.46 5.312-39.34 13.87C351.1 149.3 403.9 80 468 80C536.4 80 592 158.1 592 256S536.4 432 468 432z"></path></svg>



    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M256 464C370.9 464 464 370.9 464 256C464 141.1 370.9 48 256 48C141.1 48 48 141.1 48 256C48 261.5 48.21 266.9 48.63 272.3L1.754 286.1C.5958 276.2 0 266.2 0 256C0 114.6 114.6 0 256 0C397.4 0 512 114.6 512 256C512 397.4 397.4 512 256 512C245.8 512 235.8 511.4 225.9 510.2L239.7 463.4C245.1 463.8 250.5 464 256 464zM267.9 367.4C324.2 361.4 368 313.8 368 256C368 194.1 317.9 144 256 144C198.2 144 150.6 187.8 144.6 244.1L96.02 258.4C96.01 257.6 96 256.8 96 256C96 167.6 167.6 96 256 96C344.4 96 416 167.6 416 256C416 344.4 344.4 416 256 416C255.2 416 254.4 415.1 253.6 415.1L267.9 367.4zM39.01 308.5L243.9 248.3C256 244.7 267.3 255.1 263.7 268.1L203.5 472.1C199.4 486.9 180.3 488.6 173.8 475.6L145.2 418.3C144.5 416.1 143.6 415.7 142.6 414.6L54.63 502.6C42.13 515.1 21.87 515.1 9.373 502.6C-3.124 490.1-3.124 469.9 9.373 457.4L97.36 369.4C96.26 368.4 95.02 367.5 93.68 366.8L36.37 338.2C23.38 331.7 25.07 312.6 39.01 308.5V308.5z"/></svg>



    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M360 0C390.9 0 416 25.07 416 56V184C416 214.9 390.9 240 360 240H200C169.1 240 144 214.9 144 184V56C144 25.07 169.1 0 200 0H360zM360 48H320V112C320 120.8 312.8 128 304 128H256C247.2 128 240 120.8 240 112V48H200C195.6 48 192 51.58 192 56V184C192 188.4 195.6 192 200 192H360C364.4 192 368 188.4 368 184V56C368 51.58 364.4 48 360 48V48zM0 328C0 297.1 25.07 272 56 272H216C246.9 272 272 297.1 272 328V456C272 486.9 246.9 512 216 512H56C25.07 512 0 486.9 0 456V328zM176 384C176 392.8 168.8 400 160 400H112C103.2 400 96 392.8 96 384V320H56C51.58 320 48 323.6 48 328V456C48 460.4 51.58 464 56 464H216C220.4 464 224 460.4 224 456V328C224 323.6 220.4 320 216 320H176V384zM304 328C304 297.1 329.1 272 360 272H520C550.9 272 576 297.1 576 328V456C576 486.9 550.9 512 520 512H360C329.1 512 304 486.9 304 456V328zM480 384C480 392.8 472.8 400 464 400H416C407.2 400 400 392.8 400 384V320H360C355.6 320 352 323.6 352 328V456C352 460.4 355.6 464 360 464H520C524.4 464 528 460.4 528 456V328C528 323.6 524.4 320 520 320H480V384z"/></svg>


    Collection Clicks

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    Annual Traffic Value

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    Top 3 Keywords

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