+475% Organic Traffic for Yard Butler

The Client 🔍

Yard Butler is a DTC brand selling high quality gardening tools. They had a great presence on Amazon, but less so on their own website.

The Objective 🏆

Grow revenue directly through their own website to create less dependence on platforms and retailers.

The Competition 🔥

Eleys Hose Reels 😀
Lowes 😬
Walmart 😬

Start Point

Yard Butler had 1,422 organic search users in October despite months of blogging in the past. The vast majority was brand specific searches.


Organic Search traffic grew by 475.11% within the first 8 months, and a top 4 ranking was achieved for “hose reel” with 56,000 monthly searches from position 50+ prior.

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Organic Users

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"  fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M208 256C208 202.1 243.8 160 288 160C332.2 160 368 202.1 368 256C368 309 332.2 352 288 352C243.8 352 208 309 208 256zM0 421.5V113C0 88.79 25.38 72.73 48.35 79.04C128.2 100.1 208.1 80.61 288 60.25C374.9 38.1 461.8 15.95 548.7 48.26C565.8 54.6 576 71.96 576 90.5V398.1C576 423.2 550.6 439.3 527.7 432.1C447.8 411 367.9 431.4 288 451.7C201.1 473.9 114.2 496 27.29 463.7C10.21 457.4 0 440 0 421.5V421.5zM279.2 404.4C335.1 390.1 398.6 373.9 464.5 375.7C468.6 344.3 495.5 320 528 320V144C492.7 144 464.1 115.4 464 80.14C417 78.44 367.2 89.66 310.3 104.1C305.9 105.2 301.4 106.4 296.8 107.6C240.9 121.9 177.4 138.1 111.5 136.3C107.4 167.7 80.53 192 48 192V368C83.3 368 111.9 396.6 112 431.9C158.1 433.6 208.8 422.3 265.7 407.9C270.1 406.8 274.6 405.6 279.2 404.4H279.2z"/></svg>


Organic Revenue

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Total Keywords

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M357.8 142.6c-1.062-3.312-3.844-5.688-7.312-6.219l-37.38-5.438l-16.75-33.91c-3.062-6.219-13.16-6.25-16.22-.0313L263.3 130.1l-37.5 5.469c-3.438 .5-6.25 2.875-7.312 6.156C217.5 145.9 218.3 149.5 220.8 151.9L247.9 178.2L241.5 215.6C240.9 218.1 242.3 222.3 245.2 224.4c2.75 2.031 6.438 2.281 9.5 .6875l33.47-17.59l33.5 17.62c1.312 .6875 2.75 1.031 4.188 1.031c1.875 0 3.75-.5938 5.344-1.781c2.812-2.031 4.156-5.406 3.562-8.812l-6.375-37.31l27.09-26.38C357.9 149.4 358.8 145.9 357.8 142.6zM572.1 82.38C569.5 71.59 559.8 64 548.7 64h-100.8c.2422-12.45 .1077-23.7-.156-33.02C447.3 13.63 433.2 0 415.8 0H160.2C142.8 0 128.7 13.63 128.2 30.98C127.1 40.3 127.8 51.55 128.1 64H27.26C16.16 64 6.537 71.59 3.912 82.38C3.1 85.78-15.71 167.2 37.07 245.9c37.44 55.82 100.6 95.03 187.5 117.4c18.7 4.805 39.42 22.23 39.42 41.54c0 .0078 0-.0078 0 0L264 464h-79.1c-13.25 0-24 10.75-24 24s10.75 24 24 24h207.1c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24s-10.75-24-24-24h-79.1v-59.24c.0313-19.29 20.73-36.68 39.41-41.48c86.96-22.34 150.1-61.55 187.5-117.4C591.7 167.2 572.9 85.78 572.1 82.38zM77.41 219.8C49.48 178.6 47.01 135.7 48.38 112h80.39c5.359 59.62 20.35 131.1 57.67 189.1C137.4 281.6 100.9 254.4 77.41 219.8zM288 352c-55.71-62.32-112.3-121.1-111.1-304h223.1C400.3 230.8 343.7 289.6 288 352zM498.6 219.8c-23.44 34.6-59.94 61.75-109 81.22C426.9 243.1 441.9 171.6 447.2 112h80.39C528.1 135.7 526.5 178.7 498.6 219.8z"></path></svg>


Top 5 Keywords

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M334.6 312c8.174-5.266 17.02-12.56 23.64-23.1c10.58-18.27 9.528-36.67 8.917-47.69c-.0234-.4102-.0508-.8184-.0781-1.229c.1602-.2363 .3184-.4746 .4766-.7129C373.7 229.1 383.1 213.5 383.1 192s-10.27-37.09-16.4-46.41c-.1543-.2363-.3105-.4707-.4668-.7031c.0273-.4082 .0547-.8145 .0762-1.223c.6133-11.01 1.663-29.42-8.907-47.68c-10.63-18.38-27.22-26.74-37.12-31.71c-.3145-.1582-.6309-.3125-.9453-.4687c-.1562-.3164-.3125-.6328-.4707-.9492c-4.971-9.898-13.32-26.49-31.71-37.13c-10.8-6.25-23.06-9.267-37.54-9.267c-3.32 0-6.729 .1641-10.14 .3535c-.4121 .0215-.8262 .0469-1.24 .0703c-.2363-.1582-.4727-.3164-.7109-.4727C229.1 10.27 213.5 0 192 0C170.5 0 154.9 10.27 145.6 16.4C145.4 16.56 145.1 16.71 144.9 16.87C144.5 16.84 144.1 16.82 143.7 16.79C140.2 16.61 136.8 16.44 133.5 16.44c-14.47 0-26.72 3.012-37.52 9.262C77.59 36.34 69.24 52.93 64.27 62.83c-.1582 .3145-.3125 .6289-.4668 .9434c-.3145 .1543-.6309 .3086-.9453 .4668C52.96 69.21 36.37 77.56 25.72 95.95C15.15 114.2 16.19 132.6 16.81 143.6c.0215 .4082 .0488 .8184 .0762 1.225C16.72 145.1 16.57 145.3 16.41 145.6C10.27 154.9 .0008 170.5 .0008 192c0 21.5 10.27 37.09 16.41 46.41C16.56 238.6 16.72 238.9 16.87 239.1C16.85 239.5 16.82 239.9 16.8 240.3C16.18 251.3 15.13 269.7 25.7 288c6.84 11.81 16.05 19.24 24.44 24.52l-48.42 120.7c-3.25 8.188-1.781 17.48 3.875 24.25c4.619 5.512 11.39 8.621 18.39 8.621c1.572 0 3.156-.1523 4.732-.4727l45.19-9.035l21.43 42.27C99.46 507 107.6 512 116.7 512c.3438 0 .6641-.0117 1.008-.0273c9.5-.375 17.65-6.082 21.24-14.88L184.6 384h15.65l44.8 113.1c3.594 8.797 11.74 14.5 21.24 14.88C266.6 511.1 266.1 512 267.3 512c9.094 0 17.23-4.973 21.35-13.14l21.43-42.28l45.19 9.035c1.576 .3203 3.16 .4727 4.732 .4727c7.008 0 13.77-3.109 18.39-8.621c5.656-6.766 7.125-16.06 3.875-24.25L334.6 312zM316.7 264c-6.07 10.49-22.54 13.14-31.05 21.66c-8.508 8.51-11.17 24.97-21.66 31.04c-3.916 2.266-8.58 2.832-13.51 2.832c-4.916 0-10.09-.5645-15.04-.5645c-3.188 0-6.283 .2344-9.156 1.002C214.9 323 204.4 336 192 336c-12.38 0-22.9-12.95-34.32-16.01C154.8 319.2 151.7 318.1 148.5 318.1c-4.945 0-10.11 .5605-15.02 .5605c-4.932 0-9.602-.5664-13.52-2.834C109.5 310.6 106.8 294.2 98.31 285.7C89.8 277.2 73.34 274.5 67.27 264C61.29 253.7 67.16 238.1 64.01 226.3C60.96 214.9 48 204.4 48 192c0-12.38 12.96-22.9 16.01-34.32c3.154-11.81-2.711-27.37 3.277-37.71C73.36 109.5 89.82 106.8 98.34 98.31c8.51-8.508 11.17-24.97 21.66-31.04c3.916-2.266 8.58-2.832 13.51-2.832c4.916 0 10.09 .5645 15.04 .5645c3.188 0 6.283-.2344 9.156-1.002C169.1 60.95 179.6 48 192 48c12.39 0 22.9 12.95 34.32 16.01c2.877 .7695 5.977 1.004 9.17 1.004c4.945 0 10.11-.5605 15.02-.5605c4.932 0 9.604 .5664 13.52 2.834c10.49 6.068 13.14 22.54 21.66 31.05c8.508 8.512 24.97 11.17 31.04 21.66c5.982 10.34 .1152 25.9 3.27 37.71C323.1 169.1 336 179.6 336 192c0 12.38-12.95 22.9-16.01 34.32C316.8 238.1 322.7 253.7 316.7 264zM192 128C156.7 128 128 156.6 128 192c0 35.33 28.65 64 64 64s64-28.67 64-64C256 156.6 227.3 128 192 128z"/></svg>


Page 1 Keywords

How do you grow a brand with 10,000+ Amazon reviews but little presence and authority on their own website?

The LOGEIX Playbook

No two projects are the same, but the high level strategy never changes. Here are the 3 steps we use every time to multiply our clients organic revenue, along with the specific tactics we used for this client campaign.

    1. Improve Site Quality

    Before you start trying to improve a specific page, what if there’s a single change you could make that impacts 30% of the website? Or even 100% in some cases?

    This is what we call our site quality stage.

    Now for Yard Butler, this is less drastic than some of our other clients. They had about 15 collections, so minimal accidental issues. But we still found some opportunities.

    They had 50+ blog tag pages. That’s a high proportion of low quality pages for such a small site.

    And every single product internal link was pointing to a canonicalised URL:

    They also weren’t properly leveraging their products for internal links, like breadcrumbs:

    These are a huge ranking factor. Now every product has an internal link to at least one collection, an easy win with programmatic SEO.

    Similarly we added these tag style links that programmatically links to every collection that a product is part of:

    There were also 10-20 old blog posts that had no keyword research and no traffic, that we removed from the site to keep the quality high i.e. content pruning.

    Beyond that, it was your typical SEO clean up work. Redirecting 404 pages, fixing internal link issues, and addressing keyword cannibalisation such as the “Garden Hose Reels & Storage” page overlapping with the “Garden Hose Reels” page.

    The impact of this is difficult to measure independently as we made other changes simultaneously, but we’ve consistently found that better internal linking structures have performed exceptionally well for our clients.

    2. Expand Bottom of Funnel

    Now the site is rocking, it’s time to add real opportunities. What keywords are missing? As in, what are people searching for that your website doesn’t target as keywords?

    After discussions with the Yard Butler team, we mutually decided that garden hose reels were the best focal point for their campaign. Their hose reels have an average retail price of $194, it’s their best selling product type, and as keywords they represent tens of thousands of monthly searches.

    What we do is extrapolate this single topic into many different searches.

    For instance, on a single page someone may search for “garden hose reels” or “hose reels”.

    But other searches may be more specific, requiring another page for optimal SEO:

    • Wall-Mounted Hose Reels
    • Heavy Duty Hose Reels
    • Portable Hose Reels

    Creating additional collections for these allowed us to properly target them and achieve rankings like top 4 for “heavy duty hose reel” with 900 monthly searches and #2 for “hose reel parts” with 600 monthly searches.

    3. Optimise Bottom of Funnel

    At this point, we’ve improved the overall site quality and expanded the SEO potential by adding new pages. But that really isn’t going to drive significant growth for their main keywords. And their main keywords showed serious potential.

    • “Hose Reel” has 56,000 monthly searches.
    • “Garden Hose Reel” has 26,000 monthly searches.
    • “Hose Reel Cart” has 9,900 monthly searches.

    Don’t be mistaken, the competition for these keywords was David and Goliath level difference. The “Hose Reel” keyword is dominated by Home Depot, Lowes, Amazon, Walmart, and other big box retailers.

    But there was one shining light, somehow Eleys were pulling off a first page ranking. If they were pulling it off, we could too.

    To pull this off, we needed to show Google that we are an authority on hose reels. That means content on the collection pages:

    It also means content off the collection pages. We published a lot of it, each time linking back to the hose reel collection:

    • How to Repair a Garden Hose Reel
    • How Does A Hose Reel Work
    • Hose Reel Parts
    • How To Set Up A Hose Reel
    • How to Install a Hose Reel

    The point here isn’t to necessarily rank this content, though some of it did, the point is we need this topic to show topical authority, which then allows the main collection to rank.

    Did it work?

    On the 18th June 2023, we finally hit page 1 for “hose reel”. “Garden hose reel” was slightly quicker, hitting the first page on 3rd June.

    Both of these keywords went from position 40+ when we started, and now competing against some of the biggest retailers in the world.



    Here’s how it breaks down in numbers:

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    Organic Users

    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"  fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M208 256C208 202.1 243.8 160 288 160C332.2 160 368 202.1 368 256C368 309 332.2 352 288 352C243.8 352 208 309 208 256zM0 421.5V113C0 88.79 25.38 72.73 48.35 79.04C128.2 100.1 208.1 80.61 288 60.25C374.9 38.1 461.8 15.95 548.7 48.26C565.8 54.6 576 71.96 576 90.5V398.1C576 423.2 550.6 439.3 527.7 432.1C447.8 411 367.9 431.4 288 451.7C201.1 473.9 114.2 496 27.29 463.7C10.21 457.4 0 440 0 421.5V421.5zM279.2 404.4C335.1 390.1 398.6 373.9 464.5 375.7C468.6 344.3 495.5 320 528 320V144C492.7 144 464.1 115.4 464 80.14C417 78.44 367.2 89.66 310.3 104.1C305.9 105.2 301.4 106.4 296.8 107.6C240.9 121.9 177.4 138.1 111.5 136.3C107.4 167.7 80.53 192 48 192V368C83.3 368 111.9 396.6 112 431.9C158.1 433.6 208.8 422.3 265.7 407.9C270.1 406.8 274.6 405.6 279.2 404.4H279.2z"/></svg>


    Organic Revenue

    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" fill="currentColor"><path d="M136 256C136 269.3 125.3 280 112 280C98.75 280 88 269.3 88 256C88 242.7 98.75 232 112 232C125.3 232 136 242.7 136 256zM184 256C184 242.7 194.7 232 208 232C221.3 232 232 242.7 232 256C232 269.3 221.3 280 208 280C194.7 280 184 269.3 184 256zM184 336C184 349.3 173.3 360 160 360C146.7 360 136 349.3 136 336C136 322.7 146.7 312 160 312C173.3 312 184 322.7 184 336zM280 256C280 242.7 290.7 232 304 232C317.3 232 328 242.7 328 256C328 269.3 317.3 280 304 280C290.7 280 280 269.3 280 256zM280 336C280 349.3 269.3 360 256 360C242.7 360 232 349.3 232 336C232 322.7 242.7 312 256 312C269.3 312 280 322.7 280 336zM376 256C376 242.7 386.7 232 400 232C413.3 232 424 242.7 424 256C424 269.3 413.3 280 400 280C386.7 280 376 269.3 376 256zM376 336C376 349.3 365.3 360 352 360C338.7 360 328 349.3 328 336C328 322.7 338.7 312 352 312C365.3 312 376 322.7 376 336zM288 0C305.7 0 320 14.33 320 32V96C320 113.7 305.7 128 288 128H208V160H424.5C456.3 160 483.3 183.4 487.8 214.9L511.4 379.5C511.8 382.5 512 385.5 512 388.5V448C512 483.3 483.3 512 448 512H64C28.65 512 0 483.3 0 448V388.5C0 385.5 .215 382.5 .6432 379.5L24.15 214.9C28.65 183.4 55.66 160 87.51 160H144V128H64C46.33 128 32 113.7 32 96V32C32 14.33 46.33 0 64 0L288 0zM96 48C87.16 48 80 55.16 80 64C80 72.84 87.16 80 96 80H256C264.8 80 272 72.84 272 64C272 55.16 264.8 48 256 48H96zM64 464H448C456.8 464 464 456.8 464 448V432H48V448C48 456.8 55.16 464 64 464zM424.5 208H87.51C79.54 208 72.79 213.9 71.67 221.7L48.49 384H463.5L440.3 221.7C439.2 213.9 432.5 208 424.5 208V208z"/></svg>



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    Total Keywords

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    Top 5 Keywords

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